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A way to remember: A T SHIRT QUILT


My dad passed away 3 years ago and as with most elderly, his clothes had that "look" and smell about them that you never forget.  We didn't want to forget.  I told myself back then that I wanted to get all his favorite shirts and do a blanket of some sort for my mom.  Well, I don't sew, and I talked to some friends who gave me suggestions and said they would help me when it came to the sewing, but the task was still undaunting.  When I saw the Living Social ad for your service, I knew it was meant to be.  I bought one, then two more through your web site.  This was the first t shirt quilt  done (shown above) and we love it.  We presented it to my mom last weekend at dinner- on the 3 year anniversary of Dad's death.  It was extremely emotional and worth more than words can say.It will be cherished forever, and when Mom passes, it will stay in the family. 
Sylvia Fisk
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